Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Thank you so much for being a part of our Blog. However, we have moved to Facebook.

We know it's a bit presumptuous to ask someone to become your fan. . .But we have ran out of room for our friends. . . even though we think it's weird to have a "Steve and Amy Fan Page" we have reached Facebook's limit of the amount of friends allowed. You can have as many fans as you want. So that we can include everyone in on the fun Steve and Amy have created a Brand New Steve and Amy Fan Page!! Come here to comment on topics of the day and get in on discussions going on!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Help The Hewitt Family

You may remember hearing about the Hewitt Family. Crystal and her kids Parker and Haleey were in a car accident. Parker and Haley did not survive. Crystal was seriously injured and has been going through a long difficult recovery. She and her husband Craig have had major medical expenses to go along with their grief. Their friend Tim Porter has put an event together to help. You can find out about it by clicking here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

tick tock, tick tock

We’re still waiting! It’s my due date and here I am…looking the same (but Bigger)! I’m still holding out that today is going to be the day, so we’ll see! Right now, everything feels pretty much the same, just a few little crampy like pains now and then. I think I’m so desparate for something to happen that at a little stab of pain I will and grab my bag and be on my way!

It’s really weird to try to think about the belly going away. Or that one day very soon, I will be able to easily get up from the couch, or not be told by our five year old, Quinn, that I look like a penguin…yeah, that’ll be nice.
I have big feet (thanks mom:) One of Della's gifts were these cute teeny tiny newborn booties. Given that I have freakishly large feet, I’d be surprised if these little guys fit her once she’s born. The good news is that I can wear them as toe warmers if they don’t work out!

Know that saying, my cup runneth over?? Well, mine certainly has. I have felt so much support and love from each and every person around me. I just praise God daily for giving me such loving and supportive friends and family. I think that whole. . .it takes a villiage thing. . .begins at the beginning of pregnancy. My Aunt Linda has driven from Atlanta to spend some time with our family and to help out when Baby Della arives. She has been wonderful! From making dinner of Hot Dog Mashed Potato Delight to taking our son Quinn on adventure walks. . .its been great!! I wonder if she would like to stay . . . Perhaps we’ll hire her as a live in nanny?

I have decorated Baby Della's room with family pictures of all the girls in our family. . .SO CUTE!!

Until it’s time. . .I’ll be furiously walking (which in my nine months pregnant condition is more of a furious waddling involving alternating grunts and gasps for air)

Big Hugs, Amy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our family is going to get BIGGER, but right now. . . it's just me!

WOW . . .38 weeks pregnant! My body is definitely stretching and warping and doing all sorts of crazy pregnant things that I won’t subject you to! It is pretty amazing how my body just knows what to do to provide for me and baby! For anyone who has ever for one moment doubted God. . .they should experience pregnancy:))) It's amazing that this little being is growing inside me!!

The baby kicks are much stronger and they make my belly a very unstable surface - it was nice there for awhile to use as an extra tray for snacks! Now you can feel where she is throughout the day because that part of my belly gets really hard…and usually after poking around she pokes back! It’s fun.

So, I’m 38 weeks yesterday! It was exciting to think that I have only 14 more days to go (assuming she’s “on time”)! According to
BabyCenter, She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long! Her eyesight continues to develop but by the time she is born her vision will only be 20/400.

I have been having a crazy case of the “pregnant brain”. I had heard rumors of this pregnant brain and thought they were all false but every day I seem to become more and more absentminded and very clumsy! Brain often cuts me off when I’m talking because I’ll suddenly remember I have already said the same thing once before. I begin telling Lloyd a story that I will stop in the middle of realizing by his expression that I have already told him the same story earlier!

In the ‘How Your Life is Changing’ section, it said that things are getting more uncomfortable these days - confirmed! While I’d love to be a graceful and glowing pregnant woman, I am just not feeling it. I am ready for her to be out of my tummy and in my arms!

I have had several folks ask me about Della's room. . .I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them up for you to see. We collected childhood pictures of all the girls in our family and put them in frames. . .so cute!!!

My next (and my last) doctors appointment is next Thursday! I sure do appreciate everyone’s encouraging words and messages. . .you don’t even know! I can hardly wait to introduce you to Baby Della!!! ~Amy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A VERY Honest Article About Prayer

I found myself saying "that's me" all through this article. What do you think? Click here to read it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol Kris Allen Sings "God Of This City"

Kris Allen sings at the dedication of a new building for his church. He doesn't appear until almost 8 minutes into the video. Click here